ELG Estate Planning Blog

When Symptoms of “Old Age” Signal a Medical Problem

Our bodies will change as a normal part of the aging process. Age-related changes happen gradually over time. Sudden changes in your body or mental function may not be symptoms of "old age," but may signal a medical problem. Dr. Christopher Callahan, of The Center for...

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Testing New Technologies in Retirement Communities

Many new cutting-edge innovations are designed with the needs of older adults in mind. In an effort to design the best products, some companies are garnering feedback from residents in retirement communities and Long-Term Care facilities. Innovative Technologies...

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Walla Walla Veterans’ Home Opens, Offers 80 Private Rooms

State Veterans’ Homes provide shelter and medical care for our veterans. These homes are designed to offer a sense of belonging that is unique to veterans and to treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve. The new Washington State Walla Walla Veterans’ Home...

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