The health and safety of our clients, staff, and community are our number one concern. The coronavirus and measures enacted to prevent its spread have impacted all our lives, and understandably heightened fears. We want you to know we are here to serve you in a...

Lynn St. Louis Featured In Journal Of Business

Our managing partner, Lynn St. Louis, was featured in the Journal of Business talking on the SECURE Act and what could it mean to you! "The new federal SECURE Act makes it harder to sock away generational wealth on a tax-deferred basis, which creates the need to plan...

Recognizing and Treating Geriatric Depression

Depression in older adults often goes undiagnosed and untreated. Depression is a treatable mental health problem.  It is not a consequence of growing older or a symptom of old age. Recognizing Depression The Mayo Clinic shares the following symptoms of depression:...

Signs Your Aging Parents Need Help Managing Finances

A normal part of the aging process is the decline in cognitive abilities, including a decline in financial skills. A recent study funded by the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) identifies some of the earliest financial skill impairments that older...

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What is Medicaid’s “Five-Year Look Back” Period?

When you apply for Medicaid, the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) will look to see if you gifted any assets in the five years prior to your application date. This is Medicaid's five-year look back period. The Medicaid transfer of asset...

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How to Become a “SuperAger”

The term “SuperAger” refers to older adults ages 60-80 whose memory and attention span is not just better than average for their age, but is closer to that of a healthy 25-year-old. Becoming a SuperAger creates an opportunity for people to remain mentally nimble well...

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Who Should I Choose as My Attorney in Fact?

An attorney in fact (AIF) is an agent authorized to act on behalf of another person. Your AIF will handle your financial affairs or health care decisions in the event that you become incapacitated. Durable Power of Attorney It is important for everyone to execute a...

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