The health and safety of our clients, staff, and community are our number one concern. The coronavirus and measures enacted to prevent its spread have impacted all our lives, and understandably heightened fears. We want you to know we are here to serve you in a...

Lynn St. Louis Featured In Journal Of Business

Our managing partner, Lynn St. Louis, was featured in the Journal of Business talking on the SECURE Act and what could it mean to you! "The new federal SECURE Act makes it harder to sock away generational wealth on a tax-deferred basis, which creates the need to plan...

Recognizing and Treating Geriatric Depression

Depression in older adults often goes undiagnosed and untreated. Depression is a treatable mental health problem.  It is not a consequence of growing older or a symptom of old age. Recognizing Depression The Mayo Clinic shares the following symptoms of depression:...

Meeting Seniors’ Needs

Seniors have special legal needs. It is important to plan for the eventuality of aging. Consulting with an Elder Law Attorney, preferably well in advance of needing care, can result in an appropriate plan for future health care and a well thought-out Estate Plan. The...

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Should I Hire An Elder Law Attorney?

Elder Law is a highly specialized area of law involving legal issues that predominantly affect seniors, the disabled, and their loved ones and caregivers. An Elder Law Attorney can help you create a comprehensive plan that addresses your needs as you age, issues...

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5 Tips For Caring For Aging Parents

Caring for aging parents can be difficult. Helping with trips to the grocery store or getting to doctor appointments may be taxing on your time. Providing basic care needs, like helping with dressing, feeding, bathing, or other personal needs, may be even more...

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3 Estate Planning Documents Everyone Should Have

A comprehensive Estate Plan can give you control over your assets and spare your loved ones from unnecessary expenses in handling your estate. It also gives you the power to designate the people who will handle your financial affairs and make medical decisions on your...

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What is COPES?

COPES stands for Community Options Program Entry System. COPES is a Washington State Medicaid program that pays for services to help people who would otherwise need to live in a nursing home. The program is designed to allow individuals who require Long-Term Care to...

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The Basics of Long-Term Care

Planning for the Long-Term Care you may someday need is an important element of Estate Planning. Long-Term Care is the assistance you need when you are unable to do some of the basic actives of daily living, such as feeding, bathing, dressing, or grooming yourself....

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Two Tests to Qualify for Medicaid

Medicaid is a health care program funded jointly by federal and state governments, and is available to people who have insufficient resources or income to pay for their own care. It pays for the cost of Long-Term Care. To qualify for Medicaid, you must meet the...

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