

The health and safety of our clients, staff, and community are our number one concern. The coronavirus and measures enacted to prevent its spread have impacted all our lives, and understandably heightened fears. We want you to know we are here to serve you in a...

Are You Getting “Squeezed”? 

The "Sandwich" Generation  The term “sandwich generation” was coined to refer to baby boomers who were taking care of their parents while also having young children of their own.  Now, as baby boomers age, more and more millennials are moving into the...

Ask An Attorney: How Do I Select An Executor If I Don’t Have Any Children?

The Executor of your Estate, also referred to as your Personal Representative, has a very important role to fill. The job of the Executor is to administer your Estate according to the instructions that you have laid out in your Will. It is his or her job to settle any...

Probate in Washington Explained

Probate is probably the most misunderstood area of Estate Planning.  It’s often thought of as something you should avoid at all costs. This is for good reason, if you don’t have a good Estate Plan or if you live in a state where Probate is complex, expensive and...

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Understanding Power of Attorney in Washington State

Washington, like most states, can grant individuals the power to make decisions on a person's behalf if they are physically or mentally incapable of doing so. This is done via a document called the power of attorney. The scope of such a document can only allow an...

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Your Right To Copies of Your Medical Records

Under Washington State law you have the right to examine and obtain copies of your medical records. The statute in part reads: "Patients need access to their own health care information as a matter of fairness to enable them to make informed decisions about their...

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Understanding Medicare’s Part D Program

Medicare is a federally funded health insurance program available to people 65 or older or who have certain disabilities, regardless of income or assets. While Medicare plans pay for health care expenses, many plans do not automatically cover the cost of most...

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